Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Finally done!

Finally done with the rewrite, the question is where to go from here? I want to hold off on an edit for the moment, and when I do edit I'll probably start working backwards from the last chapter, but I want to put it down for a moment.

I should probably work on the modules a little bit, but they're kind of repetitive, although I get the method they're going for.

I should also probably invest in an agent, but I feel like I want more polish on my story before I get there. I'm just kind of tired and I hate feeling like I'm on this schedule, except I know that starting tomorrow things are going to pick up at work in a major way leaving me little to no time to work on this thing.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Getting back into a groove

Getting back into a normal writing groove is becoming harder and harder as time fades from the magical world of the conference. Being around a group that shares my same passions was, to say the least, heartening. Coming back, I felt my brain was so bursting with ideas that I couldn't wait to get them all down on paper.

Luckily, I had four blissfully semi-work free days to write as much as possible, but with business starting to pick up again, it's becoming difficult. I want Zhao's adventures with the King of Skins to be seen by as many people as possible, not just for the money (which would be nice), but to get as many people out there to read my thoughts.

I'm going to have to buckle down to make this a reality, but it's going to happen.